Tuesday, January 18, 2005

hooray, finished... finally

I've been a slacker, a waster, a non-blogging bum over the past couple of months. Shame on me. Well, perhaps I was never much of blogger before anyway, just a wannabe blogger, see, writing has never been my strength, similary to my verbal skills I guess. By the way, what is the world record for the longest blog entry? Steinunn's blog, well the bit that was in English, the final epic, must be a contender. That count of words is beyond my capability or attention span, my memory does not serve me well enough to write about the events in my life in such a detailed manner. Anyway, is this a long enough pre-amble or should I carry on before getting to the main point? Enough I say.

So congratulations to me! And to group 8, my team. I say my team because I was managing director of our company in the module we've just finished today. I celebrated with Aziz and Steinunn by wolfing down roast beef sandwiches smothered in delicious day old gravy with a dollop of mayonaisse adding perfection to what was already the perfect sandwich. I cannot tell you what our business was about as Simon, my house mate, thinks it's a great idea and he is slowly convincing me that we should do it for real. Hmmm, he's willing to invest money and spend a year finding out if it's a winner. Me, I need a break from the idea, it's been plaguing me for the past 6 weeks in the guise of coursework. May be in a few months I will get excited about it but more likely I will totally miss the boat, with some other person taking the idea on.

Tomorrow, no today, is the first day in a long time where coursework will not be in the back of my mind. A totally free day, I don't know what to do. May be I shall compose a symphony with Kushan or perhaps I shall go to Newcastle and purchase the amplifier I have been waiting to get since my arrival in Durham. Whatever I do, I have to remember to pay my fees. Drat! And order those Faithless tickets. And get Zoe a birthday card.

It's been nice talking to you again blog.


Blogger St.Pie said...

Congrats again Nick. I have no doubt that Team 8 did a fabulous job - and I canny wait til your company takes flight for real! I'll happily not tell anyone about your project, for some free shares in what will no doubt become a huge success. X

ps: I am doing my laundry, right, waiting for the dryer. I do have a life, I don't just sit around at 2 am waiting for a blog post of yours, which appear like clockwork, every 2 months;)

2:03 am  

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